5 Ways to Boost Your Immunity

If you believe that your immune system could use a boost, try incorporating these five tips into your daily routine.  Lifestyle and nutrition can either be a detriment to our immune system or it can help boost it so that when we are exposed to pathogens, we can fight them off easily.  Most of us don’t hydrate enough throughout the day.  Of course you may be drinking liquids, but most things like coffee or tea that we drink throughout the day don’t provide enough hydration.  Things like coffee can dehydrate us because it is a diuretic, which means it increases urination output.  When we drink enough water throughout the day, our mucus membranes are supported as barriers to pathogens and we circulate immune cells.  Sleeping an average of 7-8 hours each night helps our immune system.  Multiple studies show that sleep deprivation lowers immunity and according to the CDC, 50-70 million adults in the US suffer from insomnia or some level of sleep deprivation.  When we do not get adequate sleep, our chances of contracting a virus or an infection increases.  Increased circulation helps boost immune function in multiple ways, therefore exercising and physical activity will help your body fight against infection.  Exercise can mild such as a walk, jumping rope, or getting outside for a quick bike ride.  Either way, physical activity will flush out bacteria from mucous passages while helping white blood cells become more efficient.  When we are active, the increase in our body’s temperature decreases the growth of bacteria.  Consuming alcohol when we are depleted can decrease immune function, so if you are feeling worn out, think twice about the glass of wine or beer at happy hour and try a nap instead.  Reduce stress by engaging in activities that you enjoy.  Finding a work/life balance is not easy but worthwhile for you and your employer.  Most of us experience stress at work that we carry with us at home.  If you do not take time for yourself and learn to balance your work hours with some fulfilling activities, burn out is sure to follow.  Try to take your vacation time if you have an accumulated number of days stored up during the year.  Explore your area for a weekend, or just work from home one day a week if your job allows.  Decreasing chronic stress from your life means increasing life quality and happiness.  Eating nutritious food and taking supplements like Vitamins A, C, & D are also great ways to help your body handle stress.  Find what works for you, but take care of your health since you only have one body during this life time and one life to live.

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