Staying Calm & Centered

Anxiety, stress, and general dis-ease is so common that it is almost normal.  So, how do we stay calm, centered, and breathe through the stress?  We often speak of breathing when things go awry, but for some, it’s not just a bad day, for one it’s caregiving for both parents and their children and supporting a household, for another dealing with crippling depression, or yet another individual, it’s putting back the pieces after a traumatic event.  Daily, so many are facing great obstacles while going about their day, but what can be done to help bring back a sense of safety, calm, and peace when things around us are as far from peaceful as can be?  Even if there are not huge challenges that you are facing, there are still the stressors of daily life; traffic, getting the kids to school, health issues, etc.  We hear the buzz words constantly about how stress kills, yet we never hear tools being given on how to mitigate its negative effects.  It is up to us as individuals to find our own center by making sure to stay away from assumptions.  When we make assumptions, it is often a recipe for disaster and triggers anxiety.  “what if”….. as harmless as that sounds, it can lead to thoughts that for some, are debilitating.  It is easy to spiral your thoughts into generalizations, ignoring facts, and over-interpreting others so that stories are made up and stir anxious feelings within us.

Instead of spiraling into a thought, allow yourself to question what is leading you? Some use the questions such as: “Does this thought make me feel good?” “Does this thought help me reach my goals?”  in order to stop the spiral from beginning.  Each question can act as a reality check and helps to bring you back to the fact that the thoughts are getting you nowhere except to an anxious place.   Another way to counter-balance negative thoughts is to re direct the mind, for instance, if you are thinking about a negative event that may happen, remembering other times you thought something would happen when it didn’t is a good way to re affirm that all will work out.  Positive counterbalancing is training your ind to search for and find uplifiting and empowering perspectives for any given situation.  Limit your time watching TV or the news, checking email, or using electronic devices and go outside.  Just getting more fresh air, walking in the sun and getting a dose of Vitamin D while breathing deeply can be a start to making a change in perspective and finding your zen.

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