Summer in Seattle

As September inches closer to arrival with back-to-school days and an end to another summer vacation, here’s a reminder as to why Seattle summers are the best.  We have the longest days making it easier to enjoy the sun before it hides behind winter’s dark clouds.  The great outdoors in the pacific northwest are versatile and whether you love hiking or being out on the water, there is something for everyone.  Whether you love to hike trails like those on Tiger Mountain or love water sports like kayaking on Lake Union, there’s never an end to possibilities. Plus, we have the advantage of having a summer with weather that makes it pleasant to be outside, unlike the smoldering humidity of other state’s summers, ours is still beautiful with sunshine, low humidity, cool nights, and temperate weather.  Plus, it doesn’t rain in the summer!  Phoenix has higher rainfall in the summer than Seattle and we still get the beautiful green landscape that made this city the Emerald City.  For Seattle natives, the summer is our reward for enduring the long, wet rain of the other 9 months of the year.

Food in Seattle is serious business, even if you don’t call yourself a foodie, Seattle’s restaurants and food trucks offer great options that you can take out and enjoy by the water or a picnic at Greenlake.  In addition to food, there is artisinal ice cream and craft beer that is as refined as any wine you could find.  You have your pick of treats to eat and drink and if you don’t want to do the outdoors thing, there’s so much more.

Music lover much? Then there’s free events hosted by radio shows and different venues all across the city. We also have the best music festivals in the country from jazz, blue grass, folk etc.  Musicians of all types reside in Seattle and the best thing is that you can enjoy awesome music for nothing, yes free entertainment.

And best of all, the Puyallup fair marks the coming end of the summer season with a rodeo, thrill rides, and don’t forget the scones! Fisher scones has been around for more than 100 years and is still making taste buds smile.

So, Seattle, Enjoy the summer and all the things that make this city one of the fastest growing in the U.S.!

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